Glens Falls Guiding Steps Dance School
Welcome Packet
Welcome to Glens Falls Guiding Steps Dance School. We are proud to be celebrating our 29th season! This packet includes various information that is important for students ranging from KinderDancers to Company members. Classes begin September 9th, 2024. Our fall schedule will remain the same until May. Classes and times are subject to change due to the enrollment of students and/or scheduling.
For those students and parents who are new to Glens Falls Guiding Steps, we have a few attire guidelines that we require students to follow.
It is important for each student to have proper attire while attending class for safety reasons and to also help the teachers properly correct form and posture. Please be advised that for our recital, you may be required to purchase different colored tights and/or shoes.
All students must be prepared with tights, leotard, and ballet shoes.
While purchasing ballet shoes, parents should be aware to avoid ballet "slippers". These are bath like slippers and may even have a satin texture.
They are extremely slippery and not proper for class. Pink or white tights and pink ballet shoes are preferred for class, along with a pink or black leotard.
Warm-ups and ballet skirts are permitted.
For more advanced dancers, a split sole ballet shoe is recommended.
All students must be prepared with tights, a leotard and tap shoes.
White, black and pink tights are acceptable for tap. Black tap shoes are required for class. Knit warm-ups are permitted.
Preferred is a standard black leotard but other colors are acceptable.
Black or tan tights, and a black jazz shoe is required. Knit warm-ups are permitted.
Any athletic wear, sneakers, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hats are allowed. However, pants should not be dragging on the ground.
Contemporary & Acro:
Form fitting athletic wear, barefoot. Mini’s may wear a gymnastics leotard.
All Classes please take note of the following:
Gum chewing is not allowed while in class. Any and all jewelry must be removed before starting class, especially hoop earrings and other "dangly" jewelry.
A Message to Parents:
Making you and your child comfortable is our biggest concern. However, while class is in session, we ask that parents remain in our waiting area. This gives the teacher the opportunity to instruct all of the dancers without distractions. If at any point during the class Guiding Steps staff, you, or your child feel as though the student should need their guardian, a staff member will bring your child to you. We will provide many opportunities for parents to view the progress of the class and take videos/pictures. Thank you for your understanding.
All communication will be posted on our website We will post monthly newsletters, announcements, and changes. Our Facebook page - Glens Falls Guiding Steps will also have general postings, and snow day/closing announcements.
Questions are always welcome. Call or Text (518) 232-7122, or email with any questions or concerns.
Recitals and Show Dates:
Our Winter recital will TENTATIVELY take place in mid December. More information on date, time, and location will be sent out soon!
Each year we have our recital in May. This year our Spring recital will take place TENTATIVELY May 31st at the Fort Edward School Auditorium (location pending a final confirmation). Rehearsal will take place May 30th at the same location. The exact times are TBD in later newsletters. Costumes for students will be ordered by Guiding Steps after winter vacation. (Details regarding amounts and due dates will be in newsletters to follow). Students MUST attend the dress rehearsal for last minute details and to prepare them for the evening ahead of them.
Guiding Steps may close due to poor winter/ road conditions. If you are questioning a closure, you may call 518-232-7122, or visit, or our Facebook page - Glens Falls Guiding Steps.
Make-up days will be provided, please refer to the instructor or your email for the day/times. Also, please be advised you will not be reimbursed for any absences as make-up classes are available.
Payments for our Spring Recital costumes will be due NO LATER THAN MARCH 1st. We will have a price list posted in the studio sometime in January and also emailed to you. NO costumes will be ordered if payments are not received BY March 1st. Please plan accordingly.
The studio costumes the dancers for the Christmas show. We will notify in advance if something needs to be purchased and/ or provided by the parents. Although, we will keep the cost very minimal if at all. No costume will need to be purchased from the catalog for this show.
Payment Policy
> There is a non-refundable $20 registration fee for NEW students. All online fees include Square processing fees. (2.9% + $.30).
> Payments are taken in 4 week intervals. Each class is $14. All Tuition is required to be PREPAID via the payment portal on our website:
> Private lessons are available upon request for 30 minute intervals weekly. They are $100/month.
>Please see the attached schedule for payment due dates and payment options.
> If your child is sick, or the studio must close for weather/vacation, there will be a comparable makeup class that your child can attend. Refunds will not be issued.
School vacations have already been figured into the payment schedule when the dance school is closed. We WILL be operating on Monday holidays.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call, email, or text.
All Payments are due once a month and the Payment Schedule for 2024/2025 year is as follows:
For Non-Company Members:
*September 1st 2024
*October 1st 2024
*November 1st 2024
*December 1st 2024 (Half Payment)
*January 1st 2025
*February 1st 2025
*March 1st 2025
*April 1st 2025
*May 1st 2025
Company Members:
Monthly tuition require PAID IN FULL BY the 15th of each month!
• After 1 week, a $25 late fee will be added to your past due balance. Please pay your tuition in a timely manner as it assures that we can keep our studio open to serve our beloved dance families! Thank you in advance!
Important Dates:
We will be CLOSED the following days:
*November 27-December 1, 2024
*December 14-January 3, 2025
*****Class Christmas Parties Scheduled By Teachers during the week of December 16th-December 21st.
*February 22-March 1, 2025 (The studio will remain OPEN the week of February school break. We will be CLOSED the following week).
*April 18-26, 2025
For your convenience, we have outlined our Payment Policy and Payment weeks on a separate sheet. It is required that the bottom portion is signed, dated, and returned WITHIN first month of dance class. We recommend that you keep the top for your records and as a reminder of Payment Due dates. Thank you!
***PLEASE communicate with the studio if you are having financial difficulty meeting your payment obligation. We appreciate that very much. THANK YOU!
*The studio WILL NOT offer refunds for missed classes. Make-ups will be provided for any cancellations by the studio or closures for weather. If a student is ill or discusses with a teacher ahead of time and plans for a make-up, one may be provided.
*ALL privates MUST be paid in advance. There will be no refunds for missed privates. Make-ups may be provided with PRIOR arrangement w/ instructor.
By filling out the form below you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the information provided to you in our Welcome Packet.

By Filling Out The Form Below
You acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the information provided to you in our Welcome Packet